
Your Voice on Trauma & Emergency Health Care at the Texas Capitol

Trauma & Emergency Health Care Advocacy

Since 2009, TETAF has been active at the Texas Capitol providing services in the advocacy, public policy, and regulatory arenas. TETAF has become the go-to source for lawmakers as it fills a unique niche representing the different aspects of the health care system. TETAF successfully advocates on behalf of the Regional Advisory Councils (RACs) and for needs in trauma care, emergency and acute care, maternal care, and neonatal care in Texas. 

Meet Our Lead Advocate

Dinah Welsh

Dinah Welsh

TETAF President and CEO
Lead Advocate

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Legislative Testimony

October 3, 2024 - Joint Budget Hearing, Texas Department of State Health Services - Testimony by Dinah Welsh

For past videos, please see below.

TETAF Board of Directors member, Dr. David Weisoly, provided testimony on the public health data interim charge during the Texas Senate Health and Human Services committee meeting. (June 27, 2022) (Click on the image to play the video.)

TETAF Board of Directors member and executive director of the Border Regional Advisory Council (BorderRAC), Wanda Helgesen, provided testimony during the Senate Finance Committee hearing (February 21, 2023) and House Appropriations Committee, Article II Subcommittee hearing (February 28, 2023) on the TETAF RAC Funding Request. (Click on the image to play the video.)

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