Built by Texans to Strengthen the Texas Health Care System for All

Texas EMS Trauma & Acute Care Foundation

The Texas EMS Trauma & Acute Care Foundation (TETAF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. TETAF supports the development of the state health care system by providing verification surveys for trauma, stroke, neonatal, and maternal care facilities throughout the state, plus advocacy and education.

Meet Our Team

Dinah Welsh

Dinah Welsh

President and CEO

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Terri Rowden, BSN, RN, TCRN

Survey Services Senior Director

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Jessica Phillips, MAS, BSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, C-ONQS

Perinatal Program Director

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Erin Moore

Erin Moore

Communications Director

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Aaron Rogers

Survey Operations Manager

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Jorge Castañon, MSN, RN

Perinatal Program Manager

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Jennifer Anderson

Business Administrator

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Our Mission

The Texas EMS Trauma & Acute Care Foundation's mission is to strengthen regional health care delivery systems through collaboration, advocacy, and education.

Our Purpose

  • To support the role of the Texas Regional Advisory Councils (RACs) as the leaders of system development of regional health care delivery in time-sensitive human conditions.
  • To facilitate collaboration among all components of regional health care delivery systems and other organizations by providing a forum to build consensus on policy that supports the access to and provision of high-value care, based on cost-effective, timely, and evidence-based methods.
  • To advocate for effective public policy for patient care and regional health care delivery, including sufficient funding to preserve, support, and enhance system components.
  • To work with the State of Texas to coordinate and integrate regional health care delivery systems.
  • To increase public awareness and promote the value of regional health care delivery systems.
  • To provide timely information relevant to regional health care delivery systems.
  • To serve as a resource for consultation and verification surveys of organizations seeking specialty designation or recognition.
  • To provide targeted education and consultative services for regional health care delivery systems and their stakeholders.
  • To operate exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code"), as amended, and Texas Tax Code 11.18(d), as amended.

Our History

In the early 2000s, the need for survey services in Texas was expanding significantly however, the Texas Legislature needed to streamline the state's budget. The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) was no longer able to provide survey services due to a reduction in funds. There was only one option at that time for Level III trauma surveys and there was not an option for Level IVs. Additionally, there was a strong desire to have a community of trauma, EMS, and acute care advocates to have a centralized voice for advocacy. These concerns and needs led the 22 Regional Advisory Councils (RACs) and the Texas trauma community to support the launch of Texas EMS Trauma and Acute Care Foundation (TETAF).

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, TETAF fills the gap where federal, state, and local governments, and private entities cannot provide statewide services. In 2008, DSHS granted TETAF the authority to provide verification surveys for Level III and Level IV designated trauma facilities. The first TETAF staff members were hired in 2009 and the following year, TETAF's role expanded to provide Level III stroke verification surveys. In 2015, TETAF expanded its reach and was approved to provide neonatal verification surveys. In August 2016, TETAF launched neonatal leveling surveys in Texas and provided more than 100 surveys in the first 3-year cycle. In August 2018, TETAF launched maternal leveling verification surveys along with the creation of TETAF’s Texas Perinatal Services division. Texas Perinatal Services continues to lead the state in perinatal verification surveys. Today, with more than 120 credentialed surveyors, TETAF and Texas Perinatal Services provide verification surveys for trauma, stroke, neonatal, and maternal in more hospitals than any other entity surveying. Driven by our mission, TETAF continues to ensure comprehensive, quality care is provided to patients in Texas.


Our Core Values

  • Proven process
  • Objective and honest guidance
  • Passion for patient care
  • Advocating for the best
  • Supporting each other for a strong health care system

TETAF Bylaws

The TETAF Bylaws are reviewed by the TETAF General Assembly every December. The Bylaws are current as of December 2022.

TETAF Funding

The Texas EMS, Trauma & Acute Care Foundation is solely supported by verification survey fees, subscription fees, educational program fees, and tax-deductible donations.


TETAF's Goals

  • Increase public awareness regarding the impact of health emergencies, traumatic injuries, crisis events and develop effective strategies that reduce the incidence of these events in a statewide collaborative manner.
  • Enhance and integrate pre-hospital, resuscitation, stabilization acute care, rehabilitation and health care community resources for emergencies, traumatic injuries, crisis management, professional education and injury prevention.
  • Foster access to the appropriate level of emergency health care, trauma care and community crisis management through public and provider education.
  • Enhance and integrate pre-hospital, medical, acute care and rehabilitation resources for research and advances in trauma and emergency health care.
  • Establish mechanisms that promote state growth in health care, trauma care, crisis management and injury control through grant writing and acquisition of public and grant support.
  • Ensure advances in care across the age spectrum from pediatric to geriatric as well the geographic boundaries from the very rural and remote areas of Texas to the very large metropolitan areas of Texas.

Our Key Objectives

  • Provide resources to assist providers in the system to implement the Strategic Plan for the Texas Emergency Health Care System.
  • Provide educational programs to enhance the knowledge, skills and expertise of providers in the trauma and emergency health care system.
  • Promote system development in all regions of the State of Texas.
  • Provide resources to support public education and injury prevention programs in the State of Texas.
  • Provide resources to support public education and prevention strategies for acute care in the State of Texas.
  • Review system outcome measures to define needed improvements in the healthcare delivery system for the State of Texas.
  • Provide research opportunities that promote evidence-based standards of care for the system.
  • Ensure that acute care providers, in every region, are prepared to respond to all hazards with the resources, workforce and communication links to support the system.
  • Ensure that every region is prepared for all patient populations through education, resources and specialized care needs.


TETAF has exceptional surveyors. They become part of your team to help your program grow as well as display your strengths and achievements.

CHI St. Joseph Health Burleson Hospital

The consultation was exactly what we had hoped it would be. It shed light on areas where we had opportunities to improve while also giving us some direction.

Texas Health Harris Southwest

The recommendations were very helpful to continue to grow and improve our program and our service to our patient population.

Southwest General Hospital