Hospital Data Management Course

June 6-7, 2024

Registration May 23-June 3 - $375

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Registration Instructions

We look forward to having you join us for the TETAF Hospital Data Management Course (HDMC) on June 6-7, 2024. TETAF would like to thank Trauma Analytics for hosting the course registration via its Learning Management System (LMS).

Prior to attending the course, all learners must complete the pre-course tasks listed below. The instructions will guide you to set up your Trauma Analytics LMS account and give you access to the course. For access to all materials and information used in the course, each learner must complete the following tasks by June 3, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. CDT.

Pre-Course Task List
  1. Create your student online account with Trauma Analytics LMS and enroll in the TETAF HDMC. Please follow all steps for successful enrollment in the course.
  2. Install Zoom and test the application. This course is offered virtually and uses Zoom for live lectures and breakout groups.
  3. Complete the TETAF HDMC Pre-Course Module assignment, "Putting it All Together, Case Reviews."